
其实把下面这些问题回答好了,整个个人陈述personal statement的主要内容就已经有了,后面的就是需要语言的美化和提升了。

1.Why have you chosen this course? 你为什么选择这门课程?

2.What excites you about the subject? 是什么让你对这个专业感到兴奋

3.Is my previous or current study relevant to the course? 你之前或者现在的学习内容和这个专业相关吗?

4.Have you got any work experience that might help you? 你有什么工作经验可以帮助你吗?

5.What life experiences have you had that you could talk about? 你有什么生活经历可以谈谈?

6.What achievements are you proud of? 你为哪些成就感到自豪?

7.What skills do you have that make you perfect for the course? 你有什么技能可以让你完美地完成这门课程?

What plans and ambitions do you have for your future career? 你对未来的职业有什么计划和抱负


  • Why are you applying? 你为什么要申请?

Your personal and practical skills combined will create a unique picture of who you are and why you’ll be a successful student, so definitely include both. 你的个人技能和实践技能相结合,将创造出一幅独特的画面,说明你是谁,以及你为什么会成为一名成功的学生,所以一定要包括这两者。

  • Do your studies relate? 和你的学习相关吗?

Prove your enthusiasm for your current study and take the opportunity to demonstrate your skills and knowledge now and how you want to build on that. 证明你对当前学习的热情,并借此机会展示你现在的技能和知识,以及你希望如何在此基础上进一步发展。

  • Why are you interested? 你为什么感兴趣?

This is your chance to show your passion and really demonstrate who you are. If you have hobbies or volunteering experiences related to the subject, include them here. 这是你展示你的热情并真正证明你是谁的机会。 如果你有与该主题相关的爱好或志愿服务经验,请将其包含在此处。

  • Why will you be great? 为什么你会很棒?

You’ll need to write about your personal skills and achievements. Universities like to know the abilities you have that’ll help you on the course, or generally with life at university. 你需要写下你的个人技能和成就。 大学想知道你有什么能力可以帮助你完成


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