提高英语写作水平的实用技巧 (Practical Tips to Improve Your English Writing Skills)

提高英语写作水平的实用技巧 (Practical Tips to Improve Your English Writing Skills)

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线上资源:提高英文论文写作的工具和网站 (Online Resources: Tools and Websites to Improve English Essay Writing)

线上资源:提高英文论文写作的工具和网站 (Online Resources: Tools and Websites to Improve English Essay Writing)



多年经验分享! 如何撰写高质量 个人陈述 personal statement 留学申请之个人陈述

多年经验分享! 如何撰写高质量 个人陈述 personal statement 留学申请之个人陈述

探索撰写引人入胜的个人陈述的艺术。从选择课程的原因到个人成就,从展示你的兴趣到阐述你为何适合该课程,我们的指南将助你一臂之力。无论是个人技能还是学术热情,了解如何有效地将这些要素融入你的个人陈述,打造一个既独特又吸引人的申请故事。此外,Essay Only 提供专业的个人陈述撰写和论文辅导服务,帮助你的留学之路更加顺畅。


提升学术写作:十个中国留学生应避免的习惯 – Essay Only 专业英语论文代写 always at your service

提升学术写作:十个中国留学生应避免的习惯 – Essay Only 专业英语论文代写 always at your service



如何撰写出色的论文陈述 – Essay Only 英国论文代写 always at your service

如何撰写出色的论文陈述 – Essay Only 英国论文代写 always at your service

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我们的编辑分享如何写一篇文章的秘诀 – Essay Only 英国论文代写 always at your service



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快速提高学术论文写作能力的 5 种方法 – Essay Only 英国论文代写帮助您

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每个留学生在1月考试中生存所需要的14条技巧 -英国论文代写Essay Only 帮助您

每个留学生在1月考试中生存所需要的14条技巧 -英国论文代写Essay Only 帮助您

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Leadership Analysis 英国论文代写,英语论文代写,美国论文代写,加拿大论文代写

Leadership Analysis 英国论文代写,英语论文代写,美国论文代写,加拿大论文代写

The most influential leaders in the history posses some characteristics of qualities. However, different leaders can have distinct characteristics. Some are born leaders and others become leader. Hence, the qualities or attributes of an effective leader is something that have been researched again and again by scholars and researchers. However, certain qualities are vital for every leader to be successful. For instance, effective communication skill is one such quality that every leader should possess. Similarly, a leader is not complete without a team. Hence, team development is another important attribute of a leader. Then, a leader must also posses the capability to change organizational climate and make it favorable. Therefore, given assessment is intended to focus on the importance of these attributes for a leader. For analysis, a great Indian visionary leader Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was selected.


Management and leadership – A Case Study of Volkswagen group 第一部分

Management and leadership – A Case Study of Volkswagen group 第一部分

This report is written in the view of two causes of the recent emission scandal by the Volkswagen group . The first problem the report looks at is the lack of diversity in the operation of the company (Bryant, 2015), while the second has to do with the unfavourable business climate that inhibited business in the firm (Cremer & Bergin, 2015; Schafer, 2015). This is attributed to a lack of  in-depth leadership skills as well as unrealistic goal setting activities in management.

The researcher goes ahead to recommend a number of methods that management can use to turn around the situation which includes an increase in the diversity awareness in the firm by the use of a more dynamic communication system. This according to the researcher can also be reinforced with the use of an extended scope and time frame in a monitoring program. In addition, the training on influencing styles and feedback platform would be necessary for the    firm amongst the employees (Kumra and Manfredi, 2012).


Management and leadership – A Case Study of Volkswagen group 第二部分

Management and leadership – A Case Study of Volkswagen group 第二部分

Some management researchers have claimed that German managers are yet to synchronise with the global leadership styles, where they are viewed as being highly demanding and lacking in tolerance and inspiration (Richardson   et al., 2014).  Researchers claim that Germans are characterised by low humane levels and relatively high levels of task-orientation (Richardson  et al., 2014).   Backed up by a masculinity mentality in the German culture, this translates to high levels of assertiveness, toughness and competitiveness at the workplace (Deresky, 2014).  With Volkswagen group location being in Germany, it could be argued that among these characteristics could be existing in the company’s management. It would be vital for the company to rethink its management styles and align them with the global fast-evolving management styles that consider a leadership characteristic.


Literature review: Branding; the opportunities and threats of creating a brand for a start-up 第一部分

Literature review: Branding; the opportunities and threats of creating a brand for a start-up 第一部分

The relationships between customers and companies have changed over the last century as consumers have gained balance power overtime. There are thousands of similar products in the market and customers have the power to purchase their preferred ones. While how to stand out from the massive competition is a question by all companies, branding has become a common way to differentiate products and services and hence sell more than competitors (Hammond, 2011). In the current dynamic market, every company is in a battle to create the best brand in its industry, not only to gain a market-share but also to dominate the market.


Literature review: Branding; the opportunities and threats of creating a brand for a start-up. 第二部分

Literature review: Branding; the opportunities and threats of creating a brand for a start-up. 第二部分

For a new company to have some advantages and opportunities working in its favour, a lot of work is required to pick out these characteristics in a market flooded by either competitors offering the exact same goods as the new firm or those offering substitute goods to the same market (Mukherjee, 2014). The opportunities available for any start-up business looking to brand may include;

Early brand management. (McDonald, 2012) notes that knowing the kind of services and products a new business targets to bring to the market, a start-up business has ample time to analyse what already exists in the market and plan accordingly. Having an opportunity to look around enables a business come up with a better brand and better strategies than all that exist while at the same time fitting in some already existing market niches. It gives way to analyse existing brands and know what works and what doesn’t in a certain environment (Mukherjee, 2014).


Personal Statement – Finance – University of Durham

Personal Statement – Finance – University of Durham

As a finance major, I firstly shifted my attention to SMEs (small and medium enterprises) related financial problem. I chose the University of Durham Internet Systems and E-Business MScdegree program, because it will enable the successful student to gain a critical appreciation and in-depth knowledge of the disciplines necessary to be a good business manager. It will also allow me to develop an analytical framework for the entrepreneurship process, which will improve my knowledge in independent, social enterprise, and corporate issues. An MSc will provide an opportunity for the successful applicant to acquire unique skills in programming, Internet technology, and software development.  Computing, programming and Finance are vital in today’s global competitive world where all smart devices use unique programs like Java and a coded operating system.


The manufacture of motor vehicles industry analysis in the United Kingdom 第一部分

The manufacture of motor vehicles industry analysis in the United Kingdom 第一部分

The automobile industry, as one of the present industry in the worldwide community today, has changed the way people lived and brought a significant economic contribution to many nations. Ever since the creation of first modern car by Benz and Daimler in the late 18 th century, the industry has grown into a billion pounds industry affecting so many aspects of life around the world. In the UK, the motor vehicles industry contributed 12 billion p ounds to the UK economy in 2014. The industry contributed 8 percent of the total manufacturing output in the year and employed 1.5 million people. 1.6 million Automobiles were produced and 78 percent of them exported during the operations year 2014 (Rhodes &Sear, 2015).  The chart below indicates that there was a significant fall in output in the industry during the economic recession of 2008 and 2009 experienced after the world global crisis. The following years, however, saw a steady recovery in the industry that only stagnated in 2011 before regaining the growing momentum. In 2014, the output reached the highest level than in any other year since 2006. Currently, the future of the UK automobile industry indicates tremendous growing potential. This report looks at the structure of the UK automotive industry; both micro and macro environmental structural analysis and the future of the industry.


The manufacture of motor vehicles industry analysis in the United Kingdom 第二部分

The manufacture of motor vehicles industry analysis in the United Kingdom 第二部分

In the face of changing micro and macro environment factors, most manufacturers in the industry are likely to be affected in a variety of ways. The macro environment is likely to negatively affect manufacturers in various ways as follows; if the political status of the country would change in terms of new policies and rules influencing how the businesses run, businesses would have to re-align their positions and adjust to the market. The economic status in the UK has significantly grown over the years. In the case that manufacturer costs are high and the cost of living relatively low, manufacturers are likely to make low returns on their products as a result. The UK economy is made up of a large population that aims at acquiring prestigious products for their consumption. The motor industry is a good indicator of this. Consumption is characterised by high-cost goods and products. In addition, there are new motor technologies emerging in the market such as solar and electric cars which require manufacturers to renovate their productions.


NHS Role in Reducing Health Inequalities 第一部分

NHS Role in Reducing Health Inequalities 第一部分

NHS is the national health board of the United Kingdom, tasked to work with private, public and other sectors for the purposes of improving general health which includes helping reduce health inequalities. In the past, the health sector in the region has recorded significant improvement in factors such as quality health care while on the other hand, health inequalities have been observed to have been on a steady rise (House of Commons, 2008). Seeing that healthcare is among the basic human needs in the current society, this problem contributes to the deterioration of the general social welfare of the people in the region. While inequality is manageable, it is sad that it continues to contribute to loss of lives in the sector (Ham, 2014). This paper will therefore highlight some factors that NHS would consider addressing in bringing down the levels of health inequalities in the region.


NHS Role in Reducing Health Inequalities 第二部分

NHS Role in Reducing Health Inequalities 第二部分

NHS can start initiate such programs through intensive campaigns that request for public assistance in the processes of eliminating inequality (Dorlin, 1999). Inequality is often equated to human rights violations. This statement or knowledge can have replicating effects to other stakeholders in the healthcare systems whether in the private, public or other related sectors. Health campaigns is one of the best available method through which NHS can learn to acquire support in initiating progressive health programs intended to eliminate inequality in the sector (Raphael, 2012). Moreover, the popular culture of social media has made it possible and easier for many organizations to relay messages to larger populations than before. This system of campaigning is effective and cheaper for NHS to publish and distribute information to the public.
